Exercise - 1:
- 1a. Write a HTML program, to explain the working of lists.
Note: It should have an ordered list, unordered list, nested lists and ordered list in an unordered
list and definition lists.
- 1b. Write a HTML program, to explain the working of hyperlinks using tag and href, target Attributes.
- 1c. Write a HTML program, in such a way that, rather than placing large images on a page, the
preferred technique is to use thumbnails by setting the height and width parameters to something
like to 100*100 pixels. Each thumbnail image is also a link to a full sized version of the image.
Create an image gallery using this technique
Exercise - 2:
- 2 a&b. Write a HTML program, to explain the working of tables by preparing a timetable. (Note: Use
tag to set the caption to the table and also use cell spacing, cell padding, border,
rowspan, colspan etc.)..
- 2c. Write a HTML program, to explain the working of forms by designing Registration form. (Note:
Include text field, password field, number field, date of birth field, checkboxes, radio buttons, list
boxes using <select>&<option> tags, <text area> and two buttons ie: submit and reset. Use tables
to provide a better view).
- 2d. Write a HTML program, to explain the working of frames, such that page is to be divided into 3 parts on either direction. (Note: first frame image, second frame paragraph, third frame, hyperlink. and also make sure of using "no frame " attribute such that frames to be fixed.)
Exercise - 3:
- 3 a) Write a HTML program, that makes use of article, aside, figure, figcaption,
footer, header, main,nav, section, div, span tags..
- 3 b) Write a HTML program, to embed audio and video into HTML web page.
- 3 c) Write a program to apply different types (or levels of styles or style specification formats)
inline, internal, external styles to HTML elements. (identify selector, property and value)..
Exercise - 4: Selector forms
- 4 a) Write a program to apply different types of selector forms
i. Simple selector (element, id, class, group, universal).
- 4 b) Write a program to apply different types of selector forms
ii. Combinator selector (descendant, child, adjacent sibling, general sibling)
iii.Pseudo-class selector.
- 4 c) Write a program to apply different types of selector forms
iv. Pseudo-element selector
v. Attribute selector
Exercise - 5: CSS with Color, Background, Font, Text and CSS Box Model
- 5 a) Write a program to demonstrate the various ways you can reference a color in CSS.
- 5 b) Write a CSS rule that places a background image halfway down the page, tilting it
horizontally. The image should remain in place when the user scrolls up or down.
- 5 c) Write a program using the following terms related to CSS font and text:
i. font-size ii. font-weight iii. font-style
iv. text-decoration v. text-transformation vi. text-alignment
- 5 d) Write a program, to explain the importance of CSS Box model using
i. Content ii. Border iii. Margin iv. padding
Exercise - 6: Applying JavaScript - internal and external, I/O, Type Conversion
- 6 a)Write a program to embed internal and external JavaScript in a web page.
Remaining Programs will be updated soon
i. Simple selector (element, id, class, group, universal).
ii. Combinator selector (descendant, child, adjacent sibling, general sibling)
iii.Pseudo-class selector.
iv. Pseudo-element selector
v. Attribute selector
i. font-size ii. font-weight iii. font-style
iv. text-decoration v. text-transformation vi. text-alignment
i. Content ii. Border iii. Margin iv. padding